Full Name
Prof David Sanders
Professor of Gastroenterology
University of Sheffield
Speaker Bio
Professor David S Sanders works in Sheffield, UK (http://www.profdavidsanders.co.uk/). He has published >400 peer reviewed papers (H-score > 80). He is internationally recognised for his work in coeliac disease and gluten related disorders. His other areas of interest are small bowel endoscopy, gastrostomy feeding, IBS, exocrine pancreatic insufficiency and GI Bleeding.
He has received a number of research awards: European Rising Star Award (2010), Cuthbertson Medal (2011) and Silver Medal in 2017 (UK Nutrition Society), Swedish Gastroenterology Society Bengt Ihre Medal (2017) & the British Society for Gastroenterology (BSG) Hopkins prize for Endoscopy (2019).
He is fortunate to work in the Sheffield Gastro Unit (www.sheffieldgastro.nhs.uk) which has recently been designated as the UK National Centre for Refractory Coeliac Disease (2019), World Endoscopy Organisation GI Centre of Excellence (2020) & Royal College of Physicians (London) Excellence in Patient Care Awards (2021) for Innovation with SMITE (Sheffield minimally invasive technology in endoscopy).
David Sanders